Multiracial Motherhood

Losing Lola: The Legacy Of Our Sweet Doggie

This week I left the kids with a sitter, D met me at the vet, and we said good bye to the very first baby girl we had as a couple. Almost 11 years ago, I picked Lola as my own. But before I did, I consulted the guy I had just started dating. It had only been a few months, but I felt like he should know: I was buying a pooch that could live upwards of a couple decades… and secretly, I was hoping he would be around as long, too.

Lola had a slow growing tumor that had spread before we sought help. In reality, our pups (we have two Shih Tzus) had suffered a fall from grace of sorts after Alina was born. From sleeping in our bed, even under the covers, to ousted members of the family, becoming a new mother and trying to create a stable foundation for them (financially, emotionally and maritally), the dogs became the very last priority. They are always fed, sleep and live indoors and groomed according to seasons (it gets super hot here in Vegas for all that fur). But I would be lying if I didn’t admit to my lack of attention to both of them, our Lola and Rico. I speak to this struggled balance in a post from 2011 (“Pets are Children, too”) and I invite you to look at the sweet pics of a baby Alina with the puppies.


Alina’s Lola

In the last two years, these dogs have truly become Alina’s dogs. She loves animals with a passion, dogs especially, and I believe strongly it’s because of her relationship with Lola and Rico. They are so patient with her, so loving. She is so gentle with them, so eager to make them happy.

This is the saving grace in Lola’s last few years… the kid that changed their reality was the one to eventually demand their place in our family. I love how that works. How legacies are created and evolve with the next generation.

Today, though, I want to document a story that Alina loves… the one story that keeps her still while doing her long curly hair routine… the story of how Lola came into our family…

lola-doggie-dsm-4 lola-doggie-dsm-2

Our Legacy With You, Sweet Lola

Abuela and I had decided we wanted a doggie. I had been begging Abuela for a doggie for a long time, and knowing that I would eventually take this doggie with me when I moved out, she agreed. To a small dog, only. After some research, I decided that Shih-Tzus were a great fit – they are mild tempered with loving dispositions. Even if a bit high maintenance (they have hair/fur that needs monthly grooming), I wasn’t worried about the upkeep. I was single and without significant obligations. This dog would become my baby.

As it happens, I walked into a local pet store one day (I know, horrible. 100% rescue dogs from here on out!). There were so many Shih-Tzus! I looked and the lady asked if I wanted to hold any of them. I said no, thank you. I was just looking. And then, I saw her… in a large cage with two very crazy medium sized, grey Scottish Terriers was the tiniest little white puff ball. Slinking along the side of the cage, she wiggled her way to the front where the other two dogs were barking at me. She sat there in the corner, whimpering all the while, pleading with her eyes for me to take her out. And so I did.

I sat down on the dirty floor, criss cross apple sauce, and the little white puff ball nestled her way into my jean covered lap and curled up. She never went back into that cage.

I took her home and Abuela fell in love with her too, naming her Lola, after her favorite Barry Manilow song. And that’s how Lola crawled into our family and into our hearts.


Alina, you adore that story.

And you are such a sweet little sister to both our doggies. You woke up this morning screaming from a nightmare, calling for me, and I know you’re still processing the lack in our family. Lola is in Heaven though, and you find so much solace in that. Every now and then, you’ll start crying, but after some snuggles and a pull from your anxious brother, you’re okay again. It’s okay to move on, baby girl. Lola was a happy doggie and she was very sick. She served us so well. I am so proud of her.

Now to be strong for our Rico, who is more sad than all of us put together.

Thank you for being such a sweet girl for us, Lola. The best example of a good dog and companion.

We love you.

  • Alyssa
    April 17, 2014 at 9:09 pm

    So sorry to hear about your precious pup. Hoping that your sweet daughter is able to handle it OK. So happy to hear that her dogs have made her so caring and compassionate! That’s a good lesson for kids. We have had our rescue dog for almost a year and I can’t imagine what it’s going to be like to say goodbye to my little sweetheart. Give Rico some big snuggles!

    • Vanessa
      April 18, 2014 at 10:21 am

      Thanks so much for the love, Alyssa! That first day Rico was a mess. But he’s doing so much better! I’ve heard stories of one going soon after the other, and I just can’t have my baby girl suffering through that! xoxo

  • Vanessa
    April 18, 2014 at 10:22 am

    Thank you so much, Kelly. I am sometimes shocked at the level of love and admiration Alina has with her dogs, and animals in general. She had to have gotten that through her relationship with our doggies. Lots of love to you and thank you for the comment! xo

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