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Cleaning The Bathtub: Our Dirty Secret

how to clean the bathtub

My family knows a thing or two about cleaning the bathtub. Why, you ask? I had to think if I wanted to let the cat out of the bag…. Or should I say dog?  Let me start by saying that this little dirty bathroom secret has been a thorn in marriage for years. My husband is a HUGE help around the house, but obviously giving your dog a bath in the same bathtub your family bathes is not ideal. It actually grosses me out. Though that’s exactly what happens at my house.

Cleaning The Bathtub

Wash the dogs outside with a hose! Or take them to the groomers! Do NOT wash them in the same bathtub that we use!!! That is the grossest thing ever!

My husband obliged for a while, but the grooming bills were huge and I started to find evidence of indoor dog washing again. So, we compromised: dogs could be washed indoors as long as HE was the one cleaning the bathtub. He learned real quick how to clean a dirty bath because, well…. have you ever seen a dirty dog?

cleaning the bathtub, how to clean the dirty bathtub, bleach bathtubHow to Clean a Dirty Bathtub

Our dirty bathroom secret was tolerable when we lived in Las Vegas with a huge house and multiple bathrooms, but now that we’re in Southern California in our mid-century bungalow, killing germs in our shared bathroom is a priority. And primarily, learning how to properly clean a bathtub.

Related: How to Kill Germs Using Bleach (Including Laundry)

Many products just remove dirt, but I’ve learned there are significant differences between a surface that is clean, sanitized and disinfected. You want your bathroom to be ALL three! With Clorox ® Regular Bleach 2 with CLOROMAX® Technology, you can disinfect with the bleaching power we all trust, while making your surfaces easier to clean and sanitize.

How to clean, sanitize and kill mold in your bathtub with bleach

I use Clorox Bleach to clean the bathtub to make sure my kids and pup have a clean place to bathe. To clean, sanitize and kill mold, I simply wipe the tub, faucets, and tiles with a wet sponge, pour ½ cup of Clorox into 1 gallon of water, wipe the areas with the solution, wait 5 minutes for disinfecting, rinse with warm water and then let it air dry. Goodbye bacteria and germs!

Bleach for Bathtub

I also love the Clorox ® Clean-Up ® Cleaner + Bleach since it’s so easy to clean surfaces like my bathroom sink. Just wipe away excess dirt, spray, let it stand for 30 seconds to do its disinfecting, wipe away and POOF – it’s all clean! Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner is also my go-to to flush away all the germs and bacteria that we all know linger around.

Related: How to Clean a Patio with Bleach

how to clean the bathtub

At the end of the day, a clean, less-germy bathroom comes first because it’s the foundation for everything else that comes next, like snuggles with this clean, happy boy! I love our little home and what it represents to our family legacy. Keeping it clean, sanitized and disinfected lets me breathe easier when it comes to dealing with the bathroom secrets that would otherwise stress me out. So when my sweet husband wants to take on the chore of washing the pups, I let him. I just make sure to follow up with a massive bathtub cleaning right after!